Necron is neutral and does not hate living beings, but considers the Zero World a release all living beings seek, and itself benevolent for offering it. Necron wants to fulfill what it perceives to be mankind's yearning for death. Its arm-like limbs taper off into two tentacles with stingers at the ends and it has large wing-like protrusions although Necron hovers, the wings appear ornamental. Necron's torso appears like without skin, its muscles being pronounced. Its face looks like it is covered by a mask that has holes and a mouth.

It has a glowing pale blue skin that may be intended to look crystalline. Necron is an otherworldly being with a humanoid torso.

They regenerate and may get up after being killed. They are effective against both infantry and vehicles, and both in ranged and melee. They move slowly, but are more accurate when firing on the move than other infantry. They are, however, playable as a full faction in the Dark Crusade expansion. They are only seen in the final mission, and they only have two kinds of units. The Necrons, like the Imperial Guard in Dawn of War, do not appear as a complete faction in Winter Assault. They have recently begun to stir, appearing in small numbers here and there. Thus only Eldar have knowledge of them, younger species remaining quite ignorant. The Necrons disappeared around 60,000,000 years ago, apparently withdrawing to tomb worlds in lack of sufficient life to harvest. They serve the two remaining C'tan - Nightbringer and Deceiver (the rest killed each other after running out of victims) - without question, hunting life for them to feed on. Unfortunately, millions of years and being killed/resurrected repeatedly have dulled their minds, making Necrons into something like robotic zombies. In exchange for servitude, the C'tan transferred Necrontyr souls into immortal, regenerating metallic bodies. They ended up striking a deal with what they called C'tan or "star gods", powerful beings feeding on stars who started preferring organic life after coming in contact with the mortal Necrontyr. Ages ago they were the Necrontyr, a technologically hyper-advanced yet short-lived species obsessed with immortality. Necrons are the undead of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Monolith supported by squads of Necron Warriors.